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 @9QQY2XLfrom Virginia  answered…1hr1H

The immigrants should find a source of income with their help in order to be able to support themselves.

 @9QQY2XLfrom Virginia  answered…1hr1H

Only if it doesn’t impact any other working systems in the area (social gatherings, airplanes etc.) and does not invade…

 @9QQY2XLfrom Virginia  answered…1hr1H

It depends on how severe the situation is for the government to need to access encrypted communications, as it could be…

 @9QQXRDVfrom Ontario  answered…2hrs2H

Only redirect some funding for local police departments to social and community based programs. Provide more funding in…

 @9QQVM6Kfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

Yes, I think people who are struggling with addiction should be getting help and should not be criminalized for that, an…

 @9QQVM6Kfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

Yes, I think all guns should be banned for the public, except for the jobs that require it, such as police officers and…

 @9QQVM6Kfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

I am Pro-choice, and I don't agree that the government has the right to ban it. Everyone should have the right to choose…

 @9QQVM6Kfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

I lean towards increasing military spending to fulfill Canada's NATO commitments and strengthen our defence, but it's al…

 @9QQVM6Kfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

yes, I agree that expanding local police and intelligence agencies' authority to prevent terrorism is important, but the…

 @9QQVM6Kfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

I don't think police departments usually need military-grade equipment because it can just escalate situations unnecessa…

 @9QQVM6Kfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

I generally agree with prisoners serving life sentences for first degree murder shouldn't have parole hearings after 15…

 @9QQVM6Kfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

I think both the police and social/community based programs are important, so funding should be increased for both fairl…

 @9QQVM6Kfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

I disagree-i actually think all student loan debt should be forgiven because education should be free to help people adv…

 @9QQVM6Kfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

Np, I don't think it's fair. They don't owe anyone an explanation of how they developed their algorithm. Unless it pose…

 @9QQVM6Kfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

I don't think the government should put stricter regulations on cryptocurrencies because investing your own money in the…

 @9QQVM6Kfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

I believe whether a politician convicted of a crime should run for office depends on the severity and context of the off…

 @9QQVM6Kfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

Yes I agree that transitioning public buses and trains to electric power would benefit the environment extremely, but I…

 @9QQVM6Kfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

Yes to an extent, I support the legalization of marijuana especially for medical purposes. However, I still believe ther…