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 @9QQ98DNfrom Ontario  answered…34mins34m

implement better public transportation and make cities less car dependent

 @9QQ74FVfrom Ontario  agreed…2hrs2H

Pro-choice is made for people who are not ready to have a baby, this can be due to the fact that if they have their chil…

 @9QPTZ8Tfrom Ontario  answered…9hrs9H

Yes, but only with the valid gender identities like non binary, gender fluid, female and male but people with outlandish…

 @9QPSQLXfrom Ontario  answered…11hrs11H

Depending on how serious the crime is and how definite the suspect is, I think they should get deported if they are at r…

 @9QPSQLXfrom Ontario  answered…11hrs11H

I think they should subtly increase environmental regulations starting with use of renewable energy sources and other th…

 @9QPSCNLfrom Ontario  answered…11hrs11H

I believe that if they have a Canadian job they may buy there home after the first 4 months of being in the country.

 @9QQ74FVfrom Ontario  agreed…2hrs2H

The reason why guns are so dangerous is because of the person that uses them. Those who choose to use them for harmful p…

 @9QQ74FVfrom Ontario  disagreed…2hrs2H

Do you want someone who can make a fake ID buying guns and shooting up your school or your child's school?