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 @9QQF694from Ontario  answered…15mins15m

it depends, which sector are we discussing - those who are considered to be essentials - for example, doctors, nurses et…

 @9QQF694from Ontario  answered…15mins15m

I understand that aboriginals have faced many challenges and adverse behaviors in the past. Allocation of fund should be…

 @9QQF5BGfrom Ontario  answered…17mins17m

There should be a system in allowing politicians to run for office depending on the severity and public opinion on their…

 @9QQDQLWfrom Ontario  agreed…33mins33m

Nuclear power produces more power and is most usable for current needs. It can last us for quite a while and when we can…

 @9QQCG87from Ontario  answered…1hr1H

They should continue to receive funds, and we should offer assistance in the form of education, training, and social pro…

 @9QQBF3Cfrom Ontario  answered…2hrs2H

Yes, they should ban the development and deployment of autonomous vehicles for safety reasons.

 @9QQ98DNfrom Ontario  answered…3hrs3H

implement better public transportation and make cities less car dependent

 @9QQ74FVfrom Ontario  agreed…4hrs4H

Pro-choice is made for people who are not ready to have a baby, this can be due to the fact that if they have their chil…

 @9QPTZ8Tfrom Ontario  answered…11hrs11H

Yes, but only with the valid gender identities like non binary, gender fluid, female and male but people with outlandish…