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 @ISIDEWITH asked…4hrs4H

What are the moral implications of destroying 65 targets in another country?


 @ISIDEWITH asked…2hrs2H

How important is it for international medics to assist in conflict zones, despite the risks to their own lives?


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…11hrs11H

US senator urges Israel to bomb Gaza like Hiroshima

 @9MFXWQHfrom Ontario  answered…1hr1H

Yes, but as soon they earn more, the government should stop subsidizing those who make less than $120K annually.

 @9MFXFRXfrom Ontario  disagreed…2hrs2H

The right for Abortion should be prioritized by women. For example, some who has been raped might not want to have their…

 @9MFW3CYfrom Ontario  disagreed…4hrs4H

If it's not your body, it's not your problem. Women can do whatever they want with this no matter the circumstances.

 @9MFVHCRfrom Ontario  disagreed…4hrs4H

Gun control means making rules about who can have guns and how they can be used. It's not about taking away everyone's g…

 @9MFRB3Lfrom Manitoba  answered…7hrs7H

Ok, so how the heck am I supposed to know what they classify as? And am not aloud to guess by how they look or dress. I…

 @9MFRB3Lfrom Manitoba  answered…7hrs7H

The indigenous community lost the war back in the day, its how things work. we shouldn't be treating them differently bu…

 @9MFRB3Lfrom Manitoba  answered…7hrs7H

Guns are for self-defense, people should have to go through training to get a license for one but should still be able t…

 @9MFRB3Lfrom Manitoba  answered…7hrs7H

People shouldn't be banned from buying a house in Canada for 2 years just cause they come from a different country.

 @9MFQG58from Saskatchewan  answered…7hrs7H

No healthcare should be free for everyone because people are really poor these days and can barely afford to live

 @9MFQG58from Saskatchewan  answered…7hrs7H

No because look at how much plastic we use in an every day life such as vehicles,computer's, phones, desks, shoes, etc.

 @9MFMQ7Qfrom Ontario  answered…9hrs9H

This is a way of damaging myself, so I won't take a risk and give myself to someone who doesn't love me, I would try my…

 @9MFMQ7Qfrom Ontario  answered…9hrs9H

I do pay respect, but personally I don't. think it really follows the Natural normality however it somehow does follow t…

 @9MFKZY2from Ontario  disagreed…10hrs10H

are you willing to allow your daughter to through a pregnancy that can kill her and the baby?? having to see the baby gr…