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 @ISIDEWITH asked…3hrs3H

How would you feel if someone you loved was on that flight, and does it change your view on air travel safety?


 @9MBPXTRfrom Ontario  answered…2hrs2H

Yes, as long as they have finished serving their sentence, and can prove they are capable of moving forward and will not…

 @9MBPTTBfrom Ontario  disagreed…3hrs3H

Natives have been robbed for thousands of years. They were here first and I believe they should get their lands back and…

 @9MBPTTBfrom Ontario  disagreed…3hrs3H

Control on guns is very crucial as even young children from 12-20 are getting access to guns. Many crimes have occured a…

 @9MBPTTBfrom Ontario  agreed…3hrs3H

Marijuana or herb was the most commonly reported product used (88% or 5.4 million), followed by edibles (42% or 2.6 mill…

 @9MBPTTBfrom Ontario  disagreed…3hrs3H

Drugs need to be under control again and be illegal because it is getting out of hand. There needs to be stricter laws a…

 @9MBPTTBfrom Ontario  answered…3hrs3H

No, keep local police departments funding in place however increase funding and more efforts towards social and communit…

 @9MBPGWWfrom Ontario  answered…3hrs3H

Some people make poor choices and that’s why they aren’t as fortunate so giving them money doesn’t seem fair

 @9MBP67Pfrom Ontario  answered…3hrs3H

we should ask for permission if people wanna let it be shared

 @9MBNX7Kfrom Ontario  answered…3hrs3H

I would say abortion is ok because it technology the parents choice if its rape or incest its their choice if they wanna…

 @9MBNRG7from Ontario  answered…3hrs3H

It is keeping Canada out of the harm spotlight which can avoid a world war.

 @9MBKZ5Gfrom Ontario  disagreed…4hrs4H

Literally every situation where rape occurs or if the mother will die. A mom can always make another kid, a kid can't ma…

 @9MBKZ5Gfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

I feel like it really depends on the product, if it's not important for the material to be plastic then I would agree.

 @9MBK7TPfrom Manitoba  answered…5hrs5H

money shouldn't be redirect from the police, but it should be found in other places to be give to socal and community ba…