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 @9MFRB3Lfrom Manitoba  answered…2hrs2H

Ok, so how the heck am I supposed to know what they classify as? And am not aloud to guess by how they look or dress. I…

 @9MFRB3Lfrom Manitoba  answered…2hrs2H

The indigenous community lost the war back in the day, its how things work. we shouldn't be treating them differently bu…

 @9MFRB3Lfrom Manitoba  answered…2hrs2H

Guns are for self-defense, people should have to go through training to get a license for one but should still be able t…

 @9MFRB3Lfrom Manitoba  answered…2hrs2H

People shouldn't be banned from buying a house in Canada for 2 years just cause they come from a different country.

 @9MFQG58from Saskatchewan  answered…3hrs3H

No healthcare should be free for everyone because people are really poor these days and can barely afford to live

 @9MFQG58from Saskatchewan  answered…3hrs3H

No because look at how much plastic we use in an every day life such as vehicles,computer's, phones, desks, shoes, etc.

 @9MFMQ7Qfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

This is a way of damaging myself, so I won't take a risk and give myself to someone who doesn't love me, I would try my…

 @9MFMQ7Qfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

I do pay respect, but personally I don't. think it really follows the Natural normality however it somehow does follow t…

 @9MFKZY2from Ontario  disagreed…5hrs5H

are you willing to allow your daughter to through a pregnancy that can kill her and the baby?? having to see the baby gr…

 @9MFDPL9from Quebec  disagreed…8hrs8H

They are already taking have of our money, no need to raise, Although the cancer patients and many others are suffering…

 @9MFDJDKfrom Ontario  answered…8hrs8H

Least harmful drug, pushes people to do that instead of "illegal" drugs. Legalized marijuana has proven to help in multi…

 @9MFDJDKfrom Ontario  answered…8hrs8H

I feel as if there should be a immigration rule for being deported similar to California's three strike rule

 @9MFD485from Quebec  disagreed…8hrs8H

To start, Canada has been below our promised 2% of our GDP on military spending with NATO for years now, much to interna…

 @9MF9FJ9from Ontario  answered…9hrs9H

The government needs to come up with a universal housing program that provides extremely basic fully subsidized private…

 @9MF8SPN from Connecticut answered…9hrs9H

Universal income should depend on the degree of need of the citizen. For as long as the citizen in mind is also working…

 @9MF8SPN from Connecticut answered…9hrs9H

Drugs at a low risk level (marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes) should remain legal. More serious drugs such as cocaine a…

 @9MF8SPN from Connecticut answered…9hrs9H

Only if they have been rightfully convicted of a seriously felonious crime via a fair trial and they are not a documente…

 @9MF9FJ9from Ontario  answered…9hrs9H

The government needs to change how medical coverage is performed in Canada, involve patients in coming up with solutions…